Welcome to Personal Touch Healthcare LLC
Is a nursing home out of a question? We offer quality care in your own home.
Personal Touch Healthcare LLC will provide your family with home health care services. Our line of work is about providing health care services at home that is usually done in the premises of the patient’s home jurisdiction by our certified health care providers such as nurses and caregivers.
Home health care services aims to provide the patients maximum comfort and safety while they are treated for their illnesses. Home health care services may also carry out simple everyday tasks like activities of daily living (ADL) such as bathing, washing hair, mouth care, dress/groom, full body moisturize, cooking and preparing meals, remind them to take their medication, light housekeeping, running errands, call to make doctors appointment and activities like mind games, puzzles, trivia etc.
People who are more likely to receive home health care services are those recently discharged from hospital but still needs additional treatments especially if the patient is still very weak and cannot meet the complex processes medical care on their own. Does this situation sound familiar? If your family is going through the same, Personal Touch Healthcare LLC can help. Call us at 678-334-4972 to get started with services soon.

Family Can Also Provide Care You can be the caregiver in your home and also get paid.
Structure Family Caregiving Program of GA will allow you, as a family member, to take care of your loved ones in your home.
You will be compensated if you’re in the same home and are related, you could even be the in-law (excludes spouses & legal guardians). The patient must be GA Medicaid Eligible and participate in the Medicaid Waiver Program CCSP/Source.
The family member/caregiver must be able to provide ADL assistance with the following activities:
- Bathing/washing of hair, full-body moisturization
- Dressing/filling nails
- Getting the patient to their doctor’s appointment
- Making their doctor’s appointment
- Cooking/preparing meals
- Housekeeping
The family member must be dedicated to caring for their loved one at the specific time specified on the contract.